
More Strong Reasons for Weight Training Regardless of Your age

More Strong Reasons for Weight Training Regardless of Your age

  There is no doubt and science, with countless studies, corroborates that strength training is the most effective method for increasing muscle mas...

The Powerful Benefits of Increased CO2 Tolerance in your Body

The Powerful Benefits of Increased CO2 Tolerance in your Body

  The mitochondrion is the energy centre of cells, where most cellular oxidation takes place, and most ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is produced. A...

Tips for Including more Vegetables in your Daily Meals

Tips for Including more Vegetables in your Daily Meals

    We've talked before about the importance of including vegetables in your daily diet, but today I'm going to emphasise some of the most importa...

The Nootropic and Antiageing Benefits of Methylene Blue

The Nootropic and Antiageing Benefits of Methylene Blue

  Methylene blue (MB) is known as the dye used to colour your fabrics and faded jeans.  Methylene blue also has biological applications in humans, ...



  In general, our daily lives are made up of automatic and unconscious activities, but situations arise that require controlled effort or willpower...

Is Medium-high Intensity Training Better than Low intensity or Even Crosswords Puzzles for your Brain Health?

Is Medium-high Intensity Training Better than Low intensity  or Even Crosswords Puzzles for your Brain Health?

     A very complete study published in 2015 by the journal Neurology, used a follow-up of a group of older adults (around 700), born in 1936, in S...

How to Ensure Healthy and Prolonged Levels of Collagen in Your Body

How to Ensure Healthy and Prolonged Levels of  Collagen in Your Body

  Updated article previously published in 2019 (Spanish) Collagen is the main structural protein of the extracellular matrix found in the various c...

The Key to Feeling Satisfied for Longer and Snacking Less Between Meals

The Key to Feeling Satisfied for Longer and Snacking Less Between Meals

  If you watched my video or read my article on how to stimulate the vagus nerve, you may recall that fibre consumption increases the production of...

Appetite Control and Emotional Balance through Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Appetite Control and Emotional Balance through Vagus Nerve Stimulation

  The vagus nerve, also known as the vagal nerves, because they are, in fact, two, and perhaps, the main nerves of the parasympathetic nervous syst...

Which is the Ideal Sleeping Position For You?

Which is the Ideal Sleeping Position For You?

  If you ask your friends what they think is the best sleeping position, most will probably answer that it's on one side, and, in fact, that's the ...

The Five (5) Rules for Lifelong Fitness

The Five (5) Rules for Lifelong Fitness

  After years of doing a certain sport or training, some people become tired, injured, and demotivated, or simply other activities take up the time...

Yoga: Maximize Your Training with Mind-Body Connection

Yoga:  Maximize  Your Training with Mind-Body Connection

  The captivating thing about Yoga is that you don't need to be born in India or be a Yogi, nor do you need to be certified.  You just unroll your ...