12 simple formulas to cleanse your body daily or prepare for a deep detoxification


If you have been wanting to do an organic detox but haven't had the time or haven't done one in a long time, these alternatives that I present here will allow you to do light cleanses on a regular basis but also prepare your body for a deeper cleansing.

Did you know that every day you can help your body detoxify a little with simple habits that will bring you closer to a healthier lifestyle?

Here are some effective formulas, however, although they are simple, don't try to do them all at once.  The idea is to gradually incorporate or alternate some of these healthy habits.


12 natural ways to detoxify your body on a daily basis

    1. Drink at least 2 litres (10 glasses) of filtered water a day (and a little more if you exercise vigorously). Tea, coffee, chocolate, flavourings, and juices do not count.  Only pure water can help to eliminate toxins accumulated in the body, to supply your body's biological water, which is necessary for your tears, for efficient blood circulation, for abundant urine, which is one of the most important ways of eliminating toxins, and for sufficient moisture when sweating (another important way of elimination).
    2.  Break the morning fast with water and lemon. Add the juice of one lemon to a large glass (8 ounces) of water; some people add baking soda for a more alkaline drink. If you are short on time, you can add 1 drop of lemon essential oil to your water.
    3. Coconut oil mouthwash or oil pulling. This is an ancient technique from Ayurvedic medicine that involves rinsing your mouth with coconut oil, brushing your teeth, and keeping the oil in for two minutes, although some people recommend keeping it in your mouth for 10-15 minutes before spitting it out. The oil alone works very well to kill bacteria and strengthen oral health.  A mixture of coconut oil and activated charcoal is also used to whiten teeth.   According to Ukrainian doctor F. Karach, rinsing with coconut oil can strengthen the health of the stomach, heart, liver, lungs, and reproductive organs.
    4. Intermittent fasting. More and more people are following this healthy strategy to stimulate the autophagy process from the cellular levels of the organism. There are several forms, but perhaps the most popular is the 18:6, fasting for 18 hours and eating for a period of 6 hours (there is also the 12:12, which consists of 12 hours of fasting and 12 hours to eat; or the 5:2, 5 days of eating normal food and fasting with water for two days).   This practice allows your internal organs to cleanse, rest and eliminate cellular wastes that are at the root of major diseases of these times.
    5. Eat more dark green leafy vegetables. Kale, spinach, celery, parsley, cilantro and Swiss chard are vegetables you should trust.  They contain vital nutrients, fibre and chlorophyll, the latter of which is important for its blood-cleansing action.
    6. Prebiotics and probiotics. The colon is the primary absorber of the nutrients that enter our organism, prebiotics are the food for the good bacteria in our intestine.  Examples include dietary fibres, resistant starches, inulin, garlic, onions, asparagus, oats, flaxseed and yacon, among others. Probiotics, on the other hand, are living organisms that we ingest through fermented foods such as sour cabbage, pickles (be careful that they do not contain sugar) are ideal for restoring your intestinal flora. Also, kefir and kombucha add directly to the population of healthy microbes in the gut.
    7. Incorporate chlorophyll into your nutritional habits. This is a great addition to your diet in either liquid or tablet form. Chlorophyll is the green pigment in algae and plants.  Chlorophyll increases the amount of red blood cells in your body and acts as a magnet for toxins and heavy metals which it then helps to remove from the body.
    8. Add a detoxifying tea to your daily routine. Choose a dandelion-type tea; turmeric; basil; holy basil, better known as Tulsi for the afternoon.  Lemon tea invigorates you after lunch.  Other detoxifying ingredients are chia seeds, garlic, milk thistle (sold in drugstores as Milk thistle and very good for helping to cleanse the liver); spirulina and chlorella which are great detoxifiers and heavy metal chelators (they bind to and then remove them from the body).
    9. Know and use essential oils. Essential oils are a great aid and have multiple functions.  In the detoxifying realm, experiment with peppermint to treat stomach upset, gas; headache; or as a simple mental refresher.  Oregano strongly fights viruses and bacteria; frankincense helps reduce symptoms of arthritis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis; improves digestive function; relieves asthma and helps maintain oral health due to its powerful antibacterial function.
    10. White clay. Bentonite clay or white clay has such a strong antibacterial effect that it helps to kill E. coli, MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) and staphylococci. It also helps to remove heavy metals. Mix a small amount in 8 ounces of water and as you use it, you can increase a little at a time until you consume one teaspoon of bentonite clay per day.
    11. Castor oil compresses. Castor oil has a great ability to detoxify the liver, reproductive organs, to increase lymph flow and decrease inflammation. Try using a castor oil compress, along with a heat source (such as a hot water bottle) and place it on your abdomen for at least one hour.
    12. Switch off during meals. This advice was previously limited to those with a predominant Vata Dosha (according to Ayurvedic medicine, humans correspond to three "biotypes" and each person is classified into one or more of them. To find your predominant Dosha click here), it now extends to everyone. Take a break from the internet and social media while eating.  This is a good habit that leads to good digestion.  While eating lunch or sitting down to dinner with your family, instead of checking your messages or watching a video or television, isn't it better to focus on what is happening around you and with those you are with?

Chew your food slowly. Remember that chewing is the first part of digestion.

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